2003-08-28 (Thursday)
by havoc
Got back from Europe last night. 22-hour trip door to door; which
sucks up a whole day, but then Prague to North Carolina used to
suck up half a year not so long ago.
Czech was really beautiful, I had no idea it was so nice. Met lots
of new people hacking on the Linux desktop, which is always fun. I
collected a solid set of feedback on D-BUS, and I
think I know what needs to be changed to have a first cut at using
it in KDE. I also understand some aspects of DCOP a bit more.
My slides from the conference: freedesktop.org and
Some interesting things I heard about:
unsermake replaces make but still uses the Makefile.am format;
it does global dependency analysis rather than recursing
directories. Written in Python.-
Kolab server based on the
idea of using IMAP as the datastore for everything, rather
than a database. -
Not new, but I was newly interested in Qt’s moc (meta-object
compiler). In GLib terms, you could think of moc as
a code generator that would scan your GObject implementation
source file, and generate the class_init() function
and other boilerplate automatically. It is not a preprocessor
(doesn’t modify the original file, just creates a new one)
and is not an IDL compiler (no IDL, it uses the original
source file).
There were other interesting things too but I happened to remember
those things right this second (it’s 7am).
I also spent a lot of time on the plane reading
LDAP Directories Explained by Brian Arkills, this is a really
helpful book if you know nothing about LDAP and want to get started.
I had the following wacky idea: what if the desktop could rely
on an LDAP data store, because we had a per-user one replacing
gconfd, or always ran a machine-local one? I’m not convinced
but it’s a line of thought.
(This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2003-08.html#28)