Havoc's Blog

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Category: Uncategorized


On the ninth day of traveling. Getting a little sick of it. We went on a really cool sailboat ride around San Francisco bay tonight though. Back home far too early on Friday morning. Red Hat joins the blog aggregator movement, check it out. The master aggregator merges sub-aggregators for executives, other employees, and the […]


Filesystems are not the answer, what we need is a document store. None of the open source desktop projects will ever depend on ReiserFS or similar features. Because these projects have to be able to work with NFS, GFS, AFS, and across multiple UNIX flavors. The document store approach is to create the equivalent of […]


Currently at OSCON. My presentations are both somewhat updated versions of talks I’ve given before, but the slides are Creating a Desktop OS and D‑BUS. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2004–07.html#28.2)


Had dinner and a beer with Jon Trowbridge tonight, fun to go in to Cambridge. As ex-UofC we should really spend more time making fun of Harvard, don’t get around to that often enough. GNOME has a long U of Chicago tradition including Owen, Dan Mueth, and Sam TH of GNOME Office fame. My bike […]


Took my bike to the shop for a tune up, new tubes, new bar tape. Then got back on and rode around for the first time since smashing my wrist into little bits two years ago, just before GUADEC Copenhagen. Exercising again after long periods of sitting on one’s ass is painful. I always get […]

DesktopCon Java talk

Blizzard took notes on Tom Fitzsimmons’s talk, also I thought this link from the slides was a good overview. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2004–07.html#20)

DesktopCon talk

My slides, also blizzard took some notes. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2004–07.html#19)

Feature Matrix Obsession

Nice to read this article because it rings so true. Usability advocates such as Alan Cooper point out that feature-matrix-driven development results in bad design and bad outcome for users. However, that I remember Cooper doesn’t point out the cause of feature-matrix development. I hate to do it but I’d place a big part of […]

GConf plans

I consolidated my current thinking on where we should go with a config system in the future, it was sort of spread around between piecemeal emails and web documents. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2004–07.html#3.2)


On Donald Norman’s recommendation I’m trying the Harmony remote. Pretty nice. However, I’ve now seen the phrase “Rebooting your remote…” and that scares me a bit. Hint, if you get one of these the Harmony web site has some refurbished ones at a discount. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2004–06.html#19)