Find and Browse Apps
by havoc
The Mugshot applications
pages show which apps people are using most on Linux.
We just updated the site and Mugshot client to add some new features:
- If you don’t have the app installed, and Mugshot understands your
OS, there will be an “Install Now” link right on the web page. - If you do have the app installed, there will be a “Run It” link
right on the web page. - The application pages can be edited wiki-style to add a
description and so forth for each app (very basic and rough UI on this
right now).
You can probably imagine lots of interesting directions to evolve
Right now, two things you might be interested in:
- If your distribution isn’t supported, you won’t get Install and
Run links; look
here for more on how to help add support for your distribution. -
If you maintain or have an interest in a particular application, you
might want to update the description and other information about it.
Go to the application’s page on Mugshot and click on the link to edit
it (you must be logged in to Mugshot).
Feel free to ask questions or send comments to the mailing list.
(This post was originally found at
My Twitter account is @havocp.
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