Havoc's Blog

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Month: March, 2008

OS Wrangler and Server Developers still needed

We’ve made good progress hiring UI developers and designers for LiTL. We may hire more on the UI side in a while (please do let us know if you’d be interested), but we have an initial team. In the meantime we are turning our focus to a couple other positions. See the official job descriptions […]

Average basis

I can’t seem to write a Python function that will spit out the same numbers for average cost basis that Vanguard puts on their statement. My many Google attempts are not turning up any description of the average tax basis algorithm (single or double category) that is precise enough to implement. All of them parrot […]

CD Ripping

Amy and I broke down and sent our CD collection to Get Digital. I had manually ripped about half of it a long time ago, but the metadata (from MusicBrainz in 2005 or so, I guess) was a disaster, and I didn’t have a good system in place so never finished ripping the rest. Get […]

Index funds

I meant to toss out a couple thoughts when Robert blogged about index funds, reminded by a Wall Street Journal article yesterday pointing out that the S&P 500 has gone nowhere over the last 9 years. Here are said thoughts: Lots of sensible advisers will tell you to buy index funds, but importantly, the advice […]

Easy GIT

Elijah posted a humble note about Easy GIT, but don’t be deceived. Easy GIT is completely usable for daily work, and it’s a one-file perl script you can just add to your path. It hides git almost completely and is pretty much exactly what I’ve been looking for. Elijah rocks, which I already knew, but […]

Today’s Best Headline

Samurai-Sword Maker’s Reactor Monopoly May Cool Nuclear Revival Japan Steel Works apparently melts 600 tons of steel at once into a giant one-piece nuclear reactor component that costs $350 million. They also make $10,000 samurai swords. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2008–03.html#14.2)

GTK+ scene graph

For the GTK+ hackfest I wanted to start a discussion about why people are doing custom “canvas” things (HippoCanvas, Clutter, GooCanvas, Pigment, etc.) and how GTK+ could evolve to address the same problems. The proposal in a nutshell is that widgets should be one kind of object in a more flexible scene graph. But there […]

Is it interesting?

Browsing from an old interview with Elijah I found a post I wrote a couple years ago. Here is an idea I still like, but had forgotten to keep using: The old usability cliche “users are busy not stupid” is exactly right, because the issue is that they are busy doing something and they will […]