GNOME broken wrist club
Nat’s X‑rays look extremely similar to mine. I don’t even want to think about how badly that hurt at the time. Everyone be nice to Nat. (This post was originally found at–11.html#22)
Nat’s X‑rays look extremely similar to mine. I don’t even want to think about how badly that hurt at the time. Everyone be nice to Nat. (This post was originally found at–11.html#22)
Ross, my favorite feature request for SJ is a better way to handle my CDs that come up “unknown” — it might be nice if SJ supported submitting the info to MusicBrainz? (Doesn’t it use MusicBrainz? I don’t even know.) Also, e.g. MusicBrainz lists two different Daydream Nation but my Daydream Nation comes up as […]
I got a ton of suggestions for the home music system, it will take me a while to process, try some things, and post results. (Since I know everyone is in suspense to know how the very last hacker on earth to get around to a home music system will set it up.) (This post […]
Luis, if you read Hyperion be sure you have the sequel handy, since the first book pretty much just ends in the middle of the story. The second book seems to have a good stopping point. I haven’t read the other ones. (This post was originally found at–11.html#20.3)
I’ve been reading version control system manuals lately for some reason, joining the Colin club. Also talked to Graydon a little bit about monotone since he’s in town for the Java summit. Here’s how I’d like to go about comparing these systems. (I didn’t do it yet, I may be too lazy for now.) We […]
We bought a really strange game. (This post was originally found at–11.html#16)
I shouldn’t say Tivo sucks; I admit I’m doing something obscure and geeky with the file share of music. But, while I’m complaining about home electronics, I do have a basic Tivo complaint: they need to be the cable box. In Raleigh, we had a PVR that was built in to the cable box. Compared […]
About 5 years behind the curve, I decided that it would be nice to rip all our CDs, box them up, put them in the basement, and play the full music collection on shuffle. To start, I got an external hard drive and the nifty Linksys NSLU2. The NSLU2 is a $79 Linux server with […]
I made my program work, and have to admit that it would have taken a lot longer in any other language (due to either intrinsic or logistical issues with said languages). Though I am still grumpy about codeset conversion: »> f = open(“/tmp/foo1”, “w”) »> fb = open(“/tmp/foo2”, “wb”) »> s = u’\N{ARABIC LETTER KHAH}’ […]
Fighting with Python. Has anyone else noticed that it’s really hard to figure out how to use the standard library? There aren’t type declarations, the API conventions are all over the map, and the docs are often pretty uninformative. But the thing that really has me upset is this. By default, the standard Python “print” […]