Havoc's Blog

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Category: Uncategorized

2004-03-21 (Sunday)

I’m trying to imagine the target demographic for this product. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2004–03.html#21.4)

2004-03-21 (Sunday)

Been getting more and more email on the subject of Java, Mono, C++, etc.; not clear I can ever reply to all the points raised 😉 I still don’t think anyone has addressed my #1 worry however, as I tried to point out in my last blog post: forking and fragmentation are the outcome if […]

Language Advocacy Followup

Lots of good replies to my post on higher-level language support in the desktop, including other blogs, private mail, and a lively discussion in the halls and internal lists at Red Hat. I want to try to summarize some of the feedback and answer the details, but not enough time tonight. I do want to […]

Language Advocacy

I decided life was too boring, we need to finally discuss Mono, Java, and the Linux desktop. Here are my thoughts, hopefully a productive start. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2004–03.html#17)

DARPA Grand Challenge

Slashdot just posted the DARPA Grand Challenge, Red Hat desktop developer Daniel Reed is participating. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2004–03.html#8)

2004-03-08 (Monday)

Mike Loukides missed the point of my last post. The virtues of Swing aren’t relevant. Right now you can install Red Hat and Sun JDS and you get the same major components by default: GTK+, GNOME, OpenOffice.org, Evolution, Mozilla. Plus the same choices for some of the smaller apps. Ximian was also in sync with […]

2004-03-08 (Monday)

Maybe everyone but me already saw this, but Sun rewrites Evolution in Java Swing. Yay, an “open source” mail/calendar client with a dependency on a proprietary JDK. Yay, let’s rewrite a couple million lines of code and fragment the Linux desktop platform; clearly the way to beat Microsoft. In other news, increasing dependencies on the […]

2004-03-07 (Sunday)

How does Mikael watch 40 Buffy episodes in a week? They were showing the whole series on TV a while back, 1 per day, and we tried to keep up. Somewhere in season 2 we gave up in despair at the backlog on videotape. 😉 Ah, the days before Tivo. (This post was originally found […]

2004-03-06 (Saturday)

Encouraging posts from some of the GNOME Office hackers. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2004–03.html#6)

Office suites

GNOME Office feels like a huge missed opportunity to me. OpenOffice.org is clearly the best choice today, but it’s far from perfect. Still, GNOME Office isn’t even competing. To compete, I’m convinced the AbiWord and Gnumeric projects have to merge; it’s that simple. An office suite is a single project. And then those developers should […]