Leaving now for, hopefully I’ll reappear on the other side in 30 hours time. (This post was originally found at–01.html#10)
Leaving now for, hopefully I’ll reappear on the other side in 30 hours time. (This post was originally found at–01.html#10)
Frederic, indeed, thanks for the desktop-file-utils hacking. And yeah, sorry about the code quality. A quick hack mutated out of control… Interesting discussion of activation continues on message-bus-list, see also the earlier posts and an older thread. Seth Nickell will be in Raleigh for orientation tomorrow. Due to amazingly fast relocation skills, he’s the first […]
Let’s see if my custom weblog hack can handle multiple years… Need help and volunteers for the D‑BUS todo list, we need to get a lot of those things fixed before we can ship D‑BUS in a release. There’s substantial work left, even though people seem to be using D‑BUS left and right. Some high-level […]
PowerPoint and Impress really are a bit clunky. I want to try Keynote. Was Keynote really implemented by one guy in one year? If so, why hasn’t someone cooked up a nice open source alternative? Seems like a fun project to me. (This post was originally found at–12.html#30)
Having trouble updating this page lately; way too much going on, and the holidays combined with my trip to are enforcing enough downtime to make the uptime even more frantic. Tonight’s Daily Show rerun had clips from MSNBC where they had constructed a model of Saddam Hussein’s hole from plywood. The MSNBC anchor climbed […]
BTW, if you apply for a Red Hat job, you may want to send an extra copy of your resume to I’d encourage applying as soon as you can if you’re interested, even if you aren’t available to start immediately. We tend to fill positions quickly. (This post was originally found at–12.html#13)
My first memory of Ettore is at GUADEC in Paris, where people went around yelling “Ettore!” because it was fun to say. It’s not so fun to find out he’s gone. Deepest sympathies to all his friends and family, and especially to the Ximian team. (This post was originally found at–12.html#11)
If you’re graduating this year or just interested in something new, you might consider these available positions at Red Hat. (This post was originally found at–12.html#10)
Some desktop developers at Red Hat have migrated to our Boston office over the last couple of years. Plus some new hires have started out there. Net result, it turns out everyone is in Boston and I’m in Raleigh. So I decided to follow the trend and go where the action is. This week we […]
At the New York summit Nat brought up collaboration repeatedly, and collaboration is the theme of the bounty contest. A couple of flash demos: Kubi (skip the boring intro) and Groove (hope you can survive the horrible music). Slashdot also just posted this interview about IM which is related. Kubi and Groove have the idea […]