Havoc's Blog

this blog contains blog posts

Finding Your Local Network, part 2

I got a fair bit of useful feedback on my last post about local service discovery. I also have some initial code up and running to illustrate the approach. (This code requires D‑Bus 1.1.1 or higher.) For now the code uses a straightforward but probably too inefficient implementation, where each session connects to each other […]

Finding Your Local Network

At Red Hat’s somewhat-in-the-vicinity-of-Boston offices, a few of us have been trying to understand the local service discovery and presence work others have been doing and figure out how we’d use it to do cool things in apps. Today I’ll blog ideas and questions about local service discovery and later I have some additional questions […]

Source Control Insanity

I’ve been known to complain about the number of newfangled source control systems in the past; today it’s really biting me. To build the Telekinesis stack requires 1) cvs 2) svn 3) git 4) darcs and 5) mercurial. I’m thinking of writing something that uses the stack and checking it into bzr, just for completeness. […]

Best D‑Bus Practices

Using various D‑Bus APIs I’ve noticed all kinds of interesting ideas for how to design them. You should avoid many of these ideas. First, don’t overthink the basic D‑Bus concepts. An object path is used to refer to an object. Object means object. Like GObject, java.lang.Object, or your choice of object. But it does not […]


Alex, you heard from Bryan early on. He asked for your help/input. Let me clarify some points: You say you “first learned” about our stuff “a few weeks ago” as if that meant there was some secret conspiracy before that; but “a few weeks ago” is pretty much when we started working on it. FUDCON […]

GNOME Online Desktop

The Mugshot team has been off learning what we can about all kinds of not-traditionally-open-source technologies and audiences, but recently we’ve started thinking about how to roll the knowledge back into the Linux desktop. Here’s an update (all heavily biased by my personal point of view). Tuning for an Audience From an interview with Dave […]

Find and Browse Apps

The Mugshot applications pages show which apps people are using most on Linux. We just updated the site and Mugshot client to add some new features: If you don’t have the app installed, and Mugshot understands your OS, there will be an “Install Now” link right on the web page. If you do have the […]

How to use gnome-keyring

I was recently trying to use gnome-keyring and ended up having to ask Alex what was going on. Here is a short explanation so anyone else googling the subject might find it. The keyring repository maps attribute sets (like {server=yahoo.com,foo=bar}) to secrets. A secret is just a string that gets encrypted, typically it would contain […]


From publication 526: Expenses of Whaling Captains Beginning in 2005, you may be able to deduct as a charitable contribution the reasonable and necessary whaling expenses paid during the year in carrying out sanctioned whaling activities. The deduction is limited to $10,000 a year. To claim the deduction, you must be recognized by the Alaska […]


Tomorrow our Wii is supposed to show up. According to a couple reviews so far, such as this one, Twilight Princess is the best Zelda ever (which of course means it’s in the running for best game ever, period). Often I do some kind of coding project over Thanksgiving vacation, but this year I guess […]