Havoc's Blog

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Tag: tech

GTK 3 thoughts

Chris Blizzard said it struck him at GUADEC that there were two very different initiatives, desktop and mobile, happening in the GNOME community. Miguel’s post on GTK+ 3.0 reminded me of Chris’s comment. In the mobile world GTK+ is not quite ideal, and GTK+ based platforms are in the early-to-mid stages, not the highly-mature stage. […]

Error Codes

API design rule: error codes alone are not a reasonable way to report errors. You need a mechanism that can return a helpful string. Like exceptions in most languages, or GError in C. You can return an error code also, if appropriate. A helpful string does NOT mean some generic string form of the error […]

GNOME Business

Hmm, put this point together with this suggestion from Luis, anyone? (I was thinking after my last post: a lot of GNOME’s progress has always been from companies; whether huge traditional ones like Sun, the original International GNOME Support, Eazel and Ximian and the Linux distributions, Nokia, the many consulting companies staying busy right now, […]

Revolution and Evolution

I agree with Richard that churning the existing GNOME with “radical” change does not make sense. “3.0” as a concept sucks. I also like what Rodney says; my spin, the problem is not that the GNOME desktop is not changing much. The problem is that “make a desktop” is a direction with limited possibilities. GNOME […]

Litl is the new big?

We’ve revised litl.com — now it is just a little bit more informative. Not too informative, of course. Have to maintain stealth mode decorum. Best way to learn more: come talk to us. We’re doing quite a few job interviews. Worst case, you lose a couple hours of time and satisfy your curiosity and give […]

Choices For Software Developers

Just watched this David Heinemeier Hansson talk from Startup School. This is a great thing to watch if you’re starting a career as a developer, or ten years along. His basic point is this. Lots of times developers might see their range of options as working as an employee, or founding a venture-funded startup. Those […]

Improving on Easy GIT

I previously mentioned Easy GIT, which greatly improves git, in large part by hiding man pages and command line options packed with unimportant implementation detail, while adding examples and options that relate to workflow. Since then I’ve been using Easy GIT with other people and a central repository, and moving up the learning curve a […]

LiTL UI Team

The LiTL UI team has arrived! Welcome to Johan, Lucas, Tommi, and Xan. Still looking for more people, of course. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2008–04.html#14)

UI Designs Involving Opening Terminal Windows

Jason, I think you’re missing a really basic point here. The point of a GUI is (usually) not to expose or wrap a command line app. It’s to provide a nice way for some specific audience to do some specific thing. The whole reason PackageKit is new and different is: it’s not a “frontend for […]

OS Wrangler and Server Developers still needed

We’ve made good progress hiring UI developers and designers for LiTL. We may hire more on the UI side in a while (please do let us know if you’d be interested), but we have an initial team. In the meantime we are turning our focus to a couple other positions. See the official job descriptions […]