Havoc's Blog

this blog contains blog posts

Tag: tech

Easy GIT

Elijah posted a humble note about Easy GIT, but don’t be deceived. Easy GIT is completely usable for daily work, and it’s a one-file perl script you can just add to your path. It hides git almost completely and is pretty much exactly what I’ve been looking for. Elijah rocks, which I already knew, but […]

GTK+ scene graph

For the GTK+ hackfest I wanted to start a discussion about why people are doing custom “canvas” things (HippoCanvas, Clutter, GooCanvas, Pigment, etc.) and how GTK+ could evolve to address the same problems. The proposal in a nutshell is that widgets should be one kind of object in a more flexible scene graph. But there […]

Is it interesting?

Browsing from an old interview with Elijah I found a post I wrote a couple years ago. Here is an idea I still like, but had forgotten to keep using: The old usability cliche “users are busy not stupid” is exactly right, because the issue is that they are busy doing something and they will […]


Spent part of today torturing the Clutter guys with disruptive, untested patches … woo hoo! (I do plan to clean up and debug the patch, if the idea goes over well.) Clutter is a pretty fun change from the usual 2D toolkit stuff, and nicely done in general. The other day I also wrote up […]

Hiring at LiTL

My new company is called LiTL, and we have some job listings up. We’re looking for desktop developers, web developers, QA engineers, and Linux distribution wranglers, among others. Send us a note (to jobs @ litl) to introduce yourself. We’d love to meet you and tell you more about the company. (This post was originally […]

Good programmers

I thought this was a good post on how to recognize and hire good software developers if you aren’t a software developer yourself. Or even if you are a software developer yourself. (This post was originally found at http://log.ometer.com/2008-02.html#4)

Out-of-memory Handling – D-Bus Experience

Jeff started a blog thread about handling out-of-memory. For anyone who’s interested in this, check out D-Bus (or rather, the libdbus C implementation of D-Bus) for an example of nontrivial code that attempts to handle out-of-memory. I would wildly guess that the OOM handling adds 30-40% or so to the number of lines of code, […]

Success! Compositing on a second X server

If you want to play with compositing on Fedora 8 using the Intel drivers, here’s how I got it working. For testing, you can run a second X server on the hardware. However, you first need to disable DRI on the main X server (and not use a compositing WM on the main X server). […]

Nested X servers hate me

Goal: run Compiz in a nested X server. Or really, any X server that is not the one I’m using for real work. List O’ Failures: “Screw it, just run the regular X server on another virtual console.” DRI can only be used on one console at a time. Lose. “Xephyr supports GLX in latest […]

Xnest, Xephyr, Xgl, Xdmx…

Does anyone know a way to hack on a GL-based compositing manager such as Compiz in a nested X server? I didn’t even try Xnest assuming there’s no way it works; Xephyr has GLX and Composite but Compiz reports that the root window has the wrong visual; Xgl appears to be dead (?) and isn’t […]